CONSTITUTION of Artist Network Dun Laoghaire – Rathdown
(May 2014)
1 Name of the organisation
The organisation shall be known as Artist Network Dun Laoghaire – Rathdown (hereinafter called ArtNetDlr).
2 Objectives
2.1 ArtNetDlr is a mutual concern and does not operate for profit.
2.2 The objective of ArtNetDlr is to enable the artists and craftspeople in Dun Laoghaire – Rathdown.
2.3 To achieve the objective ArtNetDlr aims to:
- Set up a centre for the dissemination of information relevant to artists from the county and working in the county.
- Establish a “drop-in” social point/coffee dock for artists of all disciplines.
- Facilitate the establishment of clusters of arts disciplines throughout the county.
- Facilitate and encourage collaborative initiatives between disciplines.
- To introduce an annual programme of events, talks and workshops with a variety of high profile professionals.
- Develop a programme of mentoring.
- Research and identify affordable studio and workspaces in the county.
2.4 Equal opportunities
ArtNetDlr does not discriminate against any individual on the basis of gender, race, religion, or disability.
3 Accountability
3.1 The business of ArtNetDlr shall be carried out by the Committee on behalf of its individual members.
3.2 ArtNetDlr will maintain a working relationship with local authority arts organisers and regional arts organisations and, when appropriate, take local and regional arts strategies into account when planning events.
3.3 The Accounts will be presented at the AGM.
4 Membership
4.1 Individual members
Persons shall be deemed individual members if they meet the membership criteria and submitted a subscription or been granted free membership to ArtNetDlr. Membership shall last for 12 months from the date of selection each year or, until the next selection date if sooner.
4.2 Refusal and termination of membership
The Committee may refuse or terminate membership of any individual at its discretion. In such cases all subscription(s) and donations relating to the current year that have been received must be returned and an explanation for the Committee’s decision provided to the individual concerned.
5 The Committee
5.1 The Committee will consist of some or all of the following elected officers as required:
• Chair
• Vice Chair
• Secretary
• Treasurer
• Creative Director
• Events Manager
• Administrator
5.2 The elected officers will form the Committee. The Committee may appoint co- opted officers as members of the team at any time and for any term as required.
5.3 The Committee shall be entitled to pay a fee to officers at its discretion as long as the Committee jointly agrees that funds are available and that any payment will not jeopardise the activities of ArtNetDlr. Rates of payment will not exceed the Arts Council recommended fee scale.
6 Election of Officers
6.1 The officers shall each be elected by a simple majority at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). In the event of the post of an elected officer falling vacant prior to the AGM the remaining elected officers may select and appoint a candidate to the post for the remainder of the year without reference to the members.
6.2 Officers who wish to stand down should give the Committee as much notice as possible and not less than six weeks before the Annual General Meeting, except in unforeseen circumstances.
7 Meetings
7.1 Annual General Meeting
7.1.1 The principal purpose of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be to elect the officers and ratify amendments to the Constitution.
7.1.2 The AGM shall be held not more than three months after the end date of the previous year.
7.1.3 All members of ArtNetDlr shall be entitled to attend the AGM. Notice of the date, time and location of the meeting shall be given not less than 14 days before the meeting.
7.1.4 Nominations and motions, except proposed amendments to the Constitution may be submitted to the Secretary in writing at any time prior to the meeting or may be tabled during the meeting.
7.1.5 The AGM shall be chaired by the outgoing Chair of ArtNetDlr or in their absence by the Vice Chair or other officer. Minutes of the meeting shall be taken by the outgoing Secretary of the Committee.
7.1.6 A quorum for the AGM when members of the committee are discounted shall be not less than five. If the meeting is not quorate it may not elect new officers or amend the Constitution and a further meeting must be held within one month.
7.2 General Meetings
7.2.1 A General Meeting (GM) of members may be held at any time at the discretion of the Committee. A GM may be held for any purpose but if that purpose is for the election of officers or the amendment of the constitution, then rules 7.1.3 – 7.1.6 governing the conduct of the AGM shall apply. If the purpose is for the amendment of the constitution, then rule 13.1 governing amendments to the constitution shall also apply.
7.2.2 A General Meeting may be called at any time by no fewer than 20 members upon written request to the Secretary.
7.3 Committee Meetings
7.3.1 Committee meetings are called at the discretion of the Chair. The principle purpose of the meetings is to enable the officers to execute their duties effectively and exclusively in the furtherance of the objectives of ArtNetDlr. The Committee shall carry out any business consistent with the objects of ArtNetDlr, but it may not amend the Constitution. Proposed amendments to the Constitution must be submitted to the AGM.
7.3.2 All elected officers shall be eligible to attend the meetings and all may vote with the exception of the Chair. Notice of the date, time and location of the committee meeting shall, if possible, be notified to officers at least seven days prior to the meeting.
7.3.3 The committee meetings shall be chaired by the Chair or in their absence by the Vice Chair, Treasurer or Secretary in that order of preference. Minutes of the meeting shall be taken by the Secretary, or in their absence, by another member of the committee as directed by the Chair of the meeting.
7.3.4 A quorum for the meeting shall be three officers. If the meeting is not quorate it may not carry out any business and shall be dissolved.
7.3.5 The committee should endeavour to conduct its business on the basis of consensus. However, If it proves necessary to vote on a decision, this will be by a show of hands, the outcome being determined by a simple majority of
the elected officers. In the event of a tied vote, the Chair of the meeting shall cast the deciding vote.
8 Funds
8.1 It is the responsibility of the Treasurer to ensure that the following rules on funds are followed by the Committee.
8.2 The Committee shall charge a subscription for membership to be collected from each member annually upon their selection to participate in the current years ArtNetDlr. The amount of the fee shall be determined by the Committee and clearly stated on the application form.
8.3 The Committee may make charges for additional services, raise funds and seek grants and donations at its discretion.
8.4 Expenditure from ArtNetDlr funds shall be made only in the furtherance of the proper business of ArtNetDlr
8.5 Authority to commit and incur expenses lies with the Committee and must comply with rules of the constitution. The Committee shall not commit expenditure greater than that affordable by ArtNetDlr in the majority opinion of the Committee.
8.6 A detailed account of all income and expenditure shall be maintained by the
8.7 A current bank account opened in the name of Artist Network Dun Laoghaire Rathdown shall be maintained by the Treasurer. All cheques drawn against the account must be signed by any one of the mandated officers.
8.8 The Treasurer will make a report of the current state of the finances of ArtNetDlr at each Committee Meeting.
8.9 Assets purchased using ArtNetDlr funds shall be deemed the property of Artist Network Dun Laoghaire Rathdown and may be disposed of only with a majority vote of the Committee.
9 Reimbursement of Officers
9.1 Travel expenses to and from meetings are to be paid at the current mileage rate as published by the AA and RAC. To claim this; the claimant must give the Treasurer a form stating the date of the journey and the mileage.
9.2 Travel expenses to and from meetings will be paid providing the ticket for the journey is attached to the claims form.
9.3 All other expense claims relating to ArtNetDlr must be supported by receipts unless a limited allowance has been decided on by the Committee to cover emails, telephone calls and occasional postage costs. On occasions, expenses may be paid without a receipt if evidence of purchase is clear.
9.4 Claims must be submitted on forms at meetings or by post to the Treasurer and countersigned by the Chair or other designated committee member.
10 Audit of Accounts
10.1 The Treasurer or other Committee member will organise for the completed accounts of ArtNetDlr to be checked for accuracy by an accountant or other person deemed suitably qualified to carry out the audit.
10.2 The accounts should be balanced off before the end of December each year and the audit check carried out within the next two months.
11 Files and Records
11.1 It is the duty of each committee member to maintain complete and accurate files relating to their role within ArtNetDlr.
11.2 All files and records relating to the conduct of ArtNetDlr business are deemed to be the property of ArtNetDlr when an officer leaves the committee.
11.3 Records relating to members or other individuals shall not be used for any other purposes other than ArtNetDlr business without the express permission of the members or individuals to whom they refer.
12 Ethics
12.1 Officers must avoid potential conflicts of interest arising from their duties where these may involve the disbursement of funds, the letting of contracts or the selection of artists for exhibitions and other events.
12.2 Contracts shall not be let by ArtNetDlr to officers or advisers, their family members or close associates, or under circumstances that may lead to financial gain for any officer, without prior full disclosure of interest to and subsequent approval by the Committee.
12.3 Selection Panel
This will be made up of at least five competent people of which no more than two will be officers of ArtNetDlr. The panel will be chosen by the Committee officers.
12.4 Officers or advisers, their family members or close associates shall not use ArtNetDlr and its associated events to promote their private interests over and above the stated benefits that ArtNetDlr affords its members.
12.5 The Committee will ensure that the objectives of ArtNetDlr are not compromised in deference to the interests of any donor, contractor or adviser.
13 Amendments to the Constitution
13.1 Amendments to this Constitution shall only be made with the approval of two thirds of those voting at the Annual General Meeting or a General Meeting.
All proposed amendments must be notified to the Secretary in writing at least
21 days prior to any such meeting and by the Secretary to the members in writing at least 14 days prior to the meeting. All parts to this Constitution may be amended except this rule.
14 Dissolution of Artist Network Dun Laoghaire Rathdown
14.1 Artist Network Dun Laoghaire Rathdown may be dissolved:
• By a decision of an Annual General Meeting or General Meeting, subject to the procedure for amending the Constitution.
• Or if two successive attempts to hold an AGM or GM fail to obtain a quorum.
14.2 Any remaining funds may be disposed of either to a local charity or to any organisation that the final Committee decides.